hirsk / PasswordPusher

0 喜歡
0 分支
1 檔案
最後活躍 1734518885
Password Pusher is an opensource application to communicate passwords over the web. Links to passwords expire after a certain number of views and/or time has passed.
1 services:
2 postgres:
3 image: docker.io/postgres:17
4 container_name: PasswordPusher-DB
5 volumes:
6 - /volume1/docker/pwpush/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
7 environment:
8 POSTGRES_USER: passwordpusher_user
9 POSTGRES_PASSWORD: passwordpusher_passwd
10 POSTGRES_DB: passwordpusher_db

hirsk / Zoraxy

0 喜歡
0 分支
1 檔案
最後活躍 1731483524
A general purpose HTTP reverse proxy and forwarding tool. (Docker version 24.0.2-1525 and higher)
1 services:
2 zoraxy:
3 image: zoraxydocker/zoraxy:latest
4 container_name: zoraxy
5 restart: unless-stopped
6 ports:
7 - 80:80
8 - 443:443
9 - 8000:8000
10 volumes:
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