hirsk / PasswordPusher
0 喜歡
0 分支
1 檔案
Password Pusher is an opensource application to communicate passwords over the web. Links to passwords expire after a certain number of views and/or time has passed.
1 | services: |
2 | postgres: |
3 | image: docker.io/postgres:17 |
4 | container_name: PasswordPusher-DB |
5 | volumes: |
6 | - /volume1/docker/pwpush/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data |
7 | environment: |
8 | POSTGRES_USER: passwordpusher_user |
9 | POSTGRES_PASSWORD: passwordpusher_passwd |
10 | POSTGRES_DB: passwordpusher_db |
hirsk / My Media for Alexa
0 喜歡
0 分支
1 檔案
My Media for Alexa lets you ask Alexa devices, such as Amazon Echo and the Amazon Dot, to play music from your existing home media library.
1 | services: |
2 | mymediaforalexa: |
3 | image: bizmodeller/mymediaforalexa:latest |
4 | container_name: MyMedia4Alexa |
5 | ports: |
6 | - 52050:52050 |
7 | - 52051:52051 |
8 | volumes: |
9 | - /volume1/docker/mymedia-public/.MyMediaForAlexa:/datadir |
10 | - /volume2/music/Public/Neuzeit Album:/medialibrary_public:ro |